A lot of homework to do, many cases to discuss, and hundreds of textbook papers I have to read are around me.
However, I felt time fly.
A lot of homework to do, many cases to discuss, and hundreds of textbook papers I have to read are around me.
However, I felt time fly.
All stories are long, if I wrote one of them, I would spend at least one hour.
Of course, I will accomplish the trip, from I left TW to arrived Umassd. But now I want to skim the trip, and continue to write about what happen after I arrived school.
The second day I was in Umassd, my school, I woke up a little late and I didn't know where I can go to the Orientation. Because I couldn't log in school internet, I couldn't read my e-mail box. I didn't know when and where the Orientation was.
Before the airplane took off, the old man gave me a buiness card.
And I promised that I will send a e-mail to him by the time I will have updated the video.
I will write it down, so please give me time.
In fact, I was not very busy, but I didn't use time well these days.
The trip form Osaka to Detroit is very far, and it took 12 hours.
So before going aboard, I wished I could sit with a Japanese girl.
Hi, everyone. I live in the house of my father's friend in Boston.
But I need to go out five mins later, so I just tell everybody I am fine.
As title, I will tell the blog to some friends who are not Taiwanese, such as international friends or Amercian house owners.
So... if you see somebody who is special, don't feel confused.
I sold all clothes, bags, and everythings I don't want, but I still don't have enough money to buy things I want, such as camera accessories, dictionary, overcoat, and so on.
I do know the feeling when someone is too poor to buy sths he needs.
You konw I manage a auction these days.
I sold my clothes, bags, and some things I don't need anymore.
I didn't feel very nervous not only I have already had experience but also my status for visa is student.
However, I felf worried when I saw the meeting official staffs!
I went to watch the fireworks in the grand-hotel because I think it rains tonight.
However, it is cold but not rainy at midnight.